Date: April 26, 2009 (Sunday)
Address: International Gourmet Street, 633 Silverstar Blvd., Unit 105, Scarborough
Phone: (416) 291-9966
it's still very crowded every time we came here..
潮州小四拼 (蝦棗 6 粒、蟹棗 6 粒、涼拌海蜇、泡帶子) $26
Chiu Chow Style Assorted Platter (Four Regular Size Combinations of Shrimp Ball, Crab Ball, Jelly Fish & Scallop)
..we saw many people ordered this platter.. & we love it..
潮陽甘蔗香薰鴨 (半隻) $10.5
Chiu Yeung Style Smoked Duck on Sugar Cane
..a strong "smoked" taste.. tender duck meat..
碧綠川椒雞 Stir Fried Chicken with Vegetable
普寧豆醬炒白菜苗 Stir Fried Baby Bok-Choy w/ Bean Sauce $8.5 be honest, it tasted like a normal Fried Baby Bok-Choy to me, with a few beans in it..