Monday, May 02, 2011

豆腐芝士蛋糕 Tofu Cheese Cake

made it 3 times & love it.. not very rich nor sweet..

豆腐芝士蛋糕 Tofu Cheese Cake
(食譜來源: Leisure-Cat)

材料: (6吋蛋糕份量)
餅底: 消化餅 105g (~8塊)、溶化牛油 45g
蛋糕: 忌廉芝士 70g、百福嫩豆腐 180g、糖 25g 、魚膠粉 7g 、淡忌廉 120g

1. 消化餅弄碎,加入溶化牛油拌勻,放入6吋餅盆內壓實,放入雪櫃待用 。
2. 豆腐先用熱水拖一拖, 並且秘去部份水份 。
3. 打軟忌廉芝士, 加入糖打至軟身 。
4. 加豆腐入忌廉芝士中,打勻 。
5. 打起淡忌廉 , 待用。
6. 用碗盛載魚膠粉,用水調勻,座於熱水上使其溶解。
7. 魚膠粉水溶後加入忌廉芝士,攪勻 。
8. 加入已打發之淡忌廉再攪勻。
9. 倒入餅模內, 雪櫃雪兩小時 。


Lunette de soleil Chanel said...

This is really good information. You have done an excellent job of research and writing.

Ton S. said...


Do you have a recipe for Tofu Cheesecake in English? It looks so delicious!

Your blog has made me very hungry so I will sign up as a follower.

BM said...

thx thx.. :)
unfortunately, i don't have the recipe in english.. however, u can try google translate..

feel free to leave me comment if u have any question..