Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slim-Fast Wedding Campaign

(Source: WeddingsAtWork.com)

The Slim-Fast Wedding Campaign is a series of three print ads which featured unique caketoppers in humorous, one-of-a-kind 'poses'. The ad series came out in 2001 and won for its agency numerous accolades including the Clio (the advertising industry's Oscars). The campaign's tagline goes: "Need to loose a little wight before your wedding?"

Cakes were created by Bonnie of Bonnie Gordon Cakes for the Slim Fast ad campaign..

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

TanChiKee Restaurant 艇仔記 (Revisit)

TanChiKee Restaurant 艇仔記
Address: Unit 6-8, 360 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill (富景商場)
Phone: (905) 882-9838

艇仔記 is always our favorite Chinese restaurant..
we tried the 良朋共敍餐 (供六位用).. 現金特價 $68..

we also ordered 乳鴿 & 蜜燒生蠔..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

潮陽小館 The Oriental Gourmet

潮陽小館 The Oriental Gourmet
Date: August 16, 2008 (Saturday)
Address: International Gourmet Street, 633 Silverstar Blvd., Unit 105, Scarborough
Phone: (416) 291-9966

i like this Chiu Chow Restaurant as their food was great! it's a small restaurant & they r always busy!!

特式海蜇手撕雞 Special Hand Shreddee Chicken w/ Jelly Fish

鹹菜老薑胡椒炖豬肚湯 Pig Tripe, Preserved Vegetable, Ginger & Peppercorn Soup

潮陽鹵水雜拼 Chiu Yeung Style Marinated Assorted Platter

家鄉煎蠔烙 Home Style Fried Oyster Egg Omelet

欖菜肉碎四季豆 Stir Fried Green Bean w/ Minced Pork & Preserved Olive

金銀蛋白菜苗 Salty Egg & Preserved Egg w/ Baby Bok-Choy

碧綠川椒雞 Stir Fried Chicken with Vegetable


Sunday, August 17, 2008


got this from uncle kk.. thought it's good to share!!


1. 唸書的最佳時間

早上 醒來頭腦一定會昏昏的,但去洗把臉後,就會清醒多了,這時也是頭腦最清醒的時候,而在此時唸書或是記東西都會比較容易!

2. 運動的最佳時間

早晨 的時候出去散散步是不錯的, 因為早晨的空氣是最新鮮的,在散步時多呼吸些清新的空氣,不僅可以提神,對身體又很有幫助,但切記不要做劇烈運動 喔!

3. 吃水果的最佳時間

飯前一小時 吃水果最有益,因為水果是生食,吃生食再吃熟食,體內就不會有白細胞增高的反應,有利於保護人體免疫系統,增強防病抗癌的能力。

4. 鍛煉的最佳時間

傍晚時 鍛鍊身體是最好的,因為人的各種活動都受〝生物鐘〞的影響,無論是身體的適應或體力的發揮都在下午近傍晚時分最佳,早上則反之,運動時的血壓和心率都較傍晚時高,對人體有害。

5. 洗澡的最佳時間

晚上臨睡前 ,洗一次溫水澡能讓全身的肌肉和關節放鬆,有助於安然入睡。

6. 減肥的最佳時間

飯後45分鐘 。在二十分鐘內散步行程 1600米 ,最有利於減肥。

7. 睡眠的最佳時間

午睡最好從 午後一小時開始 ,這時身體感覺較遲鈍,很容易入睡。
晚上則以 十時至十一時上床最佳 ,因為人的深睡時間一般在淩晨二時至淩晨三時, 而人在睡後一個半小時進入深睡狀態。

8. 刷牙的最佳時間

應在每次 進食後三分鐘內 ,因為飯後三分口腔內的細菌開始分解食物殘渣中的酸性物質,腐蝕溶解牙釉質。

9. 護膚的最佳時間
人體皮膚的新陳代謝夜間十二時至凌晨六時最為旺盛,因此 睡前護膚 有促進和保護皮膚新陳代謝及保護皮膚健美的作用。

10. 飲茶的最佳時間

飯後立即喝茶不科學,因為飯後立即喝茶,茶葉中的鞣酸可與食物中的鐵結合成不溶的鐵鹽,降低鐵的吸收,時間長了容易誘發貧血, 飯後一小時 ,食物中的鐵質已基本吸收完畢,這時喝茶就不會影響鐵的吸收了。


Friday, August 15, 2008


(食譜來源: 龜仔的生活點滴)

LG 說可以用這個 sauce 來配雞柳或雞扒..

材料: 雞翼 15隻、洋蔥半個、青椒半個、金寶蘑菇湯 1罐、李錦記萄汁 2 湯匙

醃料: 薑蓉 1湯匙、鹽半茶匙、糖半茶匙、生粉 1茶匙、生抽 2茶匙、酒 1湯匙、麻油少許、黑胡椒粒少許

1. 雞翼洗淨滴乾水份,加醃料醃半天。
2. 洋蔥切絲,青椒切粒備用。
3. 用易潔鑊不用加油,大火將雞翼兩邊煎香備用。
4. 蘑菇湯加上萄汁攪勻,加上洋蔥絲及青椒粒再攪勻。
5. 將少許洋蔥醬放在焗碟上,再鋪上煎好的雞翼,再在雞翼面上鋪上餘下的醬料。
6. 把焗碟包上錫紙,放入已預熱 15 分鐘的焗爐,以 400F 焗約 35 分鐘即成。

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Deli Viet 夜市 (Revisit)

Deli Viet 夜市
Date: August 6, 2008 (Wednesday)
Address: 4848 Yonge Street, North York (Sheppard & Yonge)
Phone: (416) 224-0075

saw ppl having great Taiwanese food on TV last nite.. that's y we decided to go for Taiwanese food.. i heard many ppl said the food are not as good as before..

the environment was not as nice as before.. i saw food residues (食物渣滓) on the sofa.. & it had a bad smell in the restaurant.. a bit disappointing at that..

re food.. from what we've ordered.. they were not that bad, with the exception of the drinks.. my Bubble Tea tasted like water..

鹽酥雞 Popcorn Chicken
..LG said this was still good.. very crispy..

大腸麵線 Pork Intestine Noodle

秘製豬血糕 Pork Blood Cake
both LG & i like this.. the portion was bigger than we thought.. (we thought it's just a snack portion).. the sauce made these tasted good.. i guess it's 沙茶醬 with some other ingredients..

御菇布丁豆腐堡 Mushroom with Egg Tofu
it's with 玉子豆腐.. we like this.. (except that LG didn't like too many onions)..

Monday, August 11, 2008

涼拌三文魚粒 Diced Salmon Appetizer

涼拌三文魚粒 Diced Salmon Appetizer
(食譜來源: 黃淑儀芝味無窮)


材料: 去皮三文魚腩 300g
調味料: 是拉差(越式甜辣醬) 2湯匙,糖、美極醬油、蒸魚豉油*各 1湯匙,日本芥辣 1湯匙,胡椒粉少許,芝麻少許

1. 將三文魚腩放在冰格冷藏至硬。
2. 吃前半小時取出三文魚,待未完金溶解時切粒。
2. 吃時取出三文魚粒,加入調味料調勻即成。

*自製蒸魚豉油: (一瓶份量)
材料: 蒸溜水 1杯,老抽 2湯匙,生抽半杯,糖 4 湯匙
做法: 將上述材料調勻,煮滾至糖完全溶解即成,可盛於玻璃瓶內冷藏。

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Taste of Danforth 2008

Taste of Danforth 2008
it's the 15th Annual Taste of Danforth..
it's a bit windy that nite.. & seems to be less crowded than previous years..

this is the Brazilian Pop.. the taste is not bad..

here's the lineup for the "Best Calamari on the Danforth".. however, it's not as good as before..

stuffed pepper with shrimp & some skewers..

we also tried the oysters while we were waiting for the calamari..

here are the Pork & Chicken Gyros.. from Messini Authentic Gyros.. C&E said they had dinner there before & the food were great.. the Gyros were juicy..

Messini Authentic Gyros
Address: 445 Danforth Ave., Toronto
Phone: (416) 778-4861

here's the Lamp Chop.. tasted good!!

we saw another booth with calamari too.. & the calamari there looked nicer..

Monday, August 04, 2008

Prince Sushi 太子

Prince Sushi 太子
Address: 90 Courtneypark Dr. E. #4 Mississauga
Phone: (905) 565-1999
Lunch Hours: Mon-Fri: 11:30am-3:00pm
Dinner Hours: Sun-Thu: 5:00pm-10:00pm / Fri-Sat: 5:00pm-11:00pm

haven't been to AYCE Jap restaurant for a while..
it's A's b-day & we r joining them for dinner in Mississauga.. this restaurant only do by reservations (no walk-in).. i guess that's y they have a strict rule on 1.5 hr dining time.. it's $20.99 Mon-Thur, $22.99 Fri-Sun..

their menu can be found online.. (or click here)..

(left) Mixed Mushrooms
(right) Sunomono Salad & Avocado Salad

i like this Sunomono Salad.. it's with sliced cucumber, seaweed, octopus, shrimp & crab..

Beef Teriyaki.. this is the entree portion.. but it's more like an appetizer portion..

Soft Shell Crab.. this was great!

Green Onion Beef Roll

Salmon Pizza

Green Dragon Roll.. deep fried shrimp, tobiko, cucumber & eel topped with avocado


Ika Sushi & Tobiko Sushi.. good!!

(left) California Maki & Unagi Maki
(right) Katsu Pork Dinner with tonkatsu sauce.. the sauce was the highlight!

we arrived at ~5:20pm, & then the waitress told us that it's last order at ~ 6:20pm.. & we ordered ice-cream at that time, but the ice-cream didn't come until half hr later!!!

AND.. the red bean ice-cream that the waitress brought us were melting..

i think the food was good overall.. but the service was......... hmm hmm..

anyway, Happy Birthday to A.. we had a great homemade b-day cake that nite..