Saturday, June 02, 2012

香蕉蛋糕 Banana Bread

香蕉蛋糕 Banana Bread
(食譜參考: CR 簡易食譜)

thx my colleagues as they said it tastes like the one @ Starbucks!! LOL!!

材料 Ingredients :
3至4隻 熟透的香蕉(用匙羹壓爛)3-4 ripe bananas
1隻 雞蛋(打散) 1 egg (beaten)
1/3 杯 牛油(先行融化) 1/3 cup melted butter
1/2 杯 糖(如果喜歡深色些,可以用黃糖)1/2 cup sugar (use brown sugar if you want darker color)
1茶匙 雲呢拿香油 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1茶匙 蘇打粉 1 teaspoon baking soda
鹽少許 A bit of Salt
1 1/2杯 麵粉 1.5 cups flour
1/4 杯 牛奶 1/4 cup milk

1. 先把焗爐預熱到175C/350F.
2. 先把融化了的牛油加入壓爛的香蕉蓉中。混入糖,打散的蛋汁和雲呢拿。先加牛奶 1/4 杯(可在拌入麵粉後,視乎麵糊的濕度再加少許牛奶調節)。
3. 灑下蘇打粉和鹽入上述材料中,搞勻。分三次篩入麵粉,拌勻,沒有粒狀物。
4. 在6寸的 mini 糕盤底部及四週,輕輕掃上少許牛油。把拌好的粉漿倒入糕盤。放入焗爐約40-45分鐘。可以用一枝針插入中間部分,拿出的針沒有粉漿黏著的話,即是蛋糕熟了。放在鐵架上待涼。

Preheat oven to 350F.
Mashed the bananas in a bowl; then blend in the melted butter.
Mixed with sugar, beaten egg and vanilla extract. Add in ¼ cup milk.
Add in baking soda & salt & mix well.
Sift the flour in (do it in 3 times), mix/blend well so that the batter is smooth.
Brush the pan with little bit of butter, then pour the batter into it (i used three 6” mini loaf pan).
Bake it for ~40-45 minutes.
Put a fork in the middle of the loaf & if it’s not sticky, then it’s done.

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