Monday, April 21, 2008

Earth Day - April 22

Earth Day Canada's Top 10 Actions

1. Park It
Leave your car at home for a day (or a week or a month) and try walking or biking. If work is too far away to walk, take public transit or carpool.

2. Shut Down
Turn off the lights, the computer and the TV when they are not in use.

3. Where's The Beef?
Try eating meat-free at least one day a week.

4. Eat It
Choose foods produced organically, locally and in season.

5. Let It Rot
Put a composter in your backyard or use your green bin to reduce household waste.

6. Don't Be Idle
Turn off your car's engine if stopped for more than 10 seconds.

7. Keep Your Eye On The Temp
Set your thermostat above room temperature in the summer and below room temperature in the winter.

8. Bright Ideas
Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs).

9. Don't Dump It - Blue Box It!
The simple act of recycling has more impact on the environment than the average Canadian thinks.

10. Tell Someone
This is a great opportunity to brag.
(Source: Earth Day Canada)

here's another way to Save the Earth - by exchanging/recycling goods @ FreeCycle!
it's supported by Yahoo!

it might be useless to u, but it could be useful for someone..

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